A Message from Dr. Daniel J. Griffiths
My first book in The Last Shaking series is The Shaking of the Nations. It expresses the message that I believe God called me to speak to His church.
The great shaking spoken of 2,500 years ago by the prophet Haggai is reaching its climax in our day. Its purpose is to awaken people to the false promise of happiness and security in our post-modern world.
Not only is the shaking creating a wave of human migration seeking true security and peace, but also a heart-hunger to find an unshakable life — which can only be found in Jesus Christ.
Haggai also said God would build a temple (the church) that would reflect to the world His glory and power. This amazing glory would draw the searching nations to the Lord. So God’s church will itself be shaken and challenged, refining it to a purity and power that is not present today.
Two shakings! One producing the greatest harvest in church history. One producing the greatest revival the church has ever seen.
In our day, the Kingdom of God is approaching its fullest maturity and manifestation on earth. We must get ready to reveal this unshakable kingdom. This is the mission of ARK, and of the church at large.
The church must unite in every city and region of the world to form “ARKs” — that is, cooperative efforts to harness our unique giftings and callings to gather in the vast harvest. This unity will crystallize around who Jesus is, and around His great commission. Together, and only together, can we hope to gather and disciple the millions God is directing towards us.
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